PATOne Real Estate

The PATOne Real Estate risk app enables asset and risk managers to import their Real Estate investments data to produce cash flow projections in base case and various configurable scenarios.

PATOne Real Estate Risk app is available on the web, as well as in the form of a web or Excel API.

The Real Estate Risk app supports risk scenarios such as:

Business Risk

Projects the concentration ratio of the portfolio by type or main use of the buildings. The ratio can be calculated by Acquisition or Market Value.

The inflation scenario allows the user to introduce an extra inflation rate and also configure the distribution policy and minimum liquidity to maintain.

Projects the impact of variations in rent received from one or multiple tenant.

Ratio between liabilities and long—term assets in Balance Sheet for each date.

Projects the effect of changes in sell date an/or value.

Executes the yield calculation simulating scenarios where the market value decreases in each iteration by the percentage defined by the user. The simulations will stop when the yield limit or the maximum number of simulations is reached.

Financial Risk

Projects the effect of interest rate changes on the cash flows.

Calculates the percentage of cash available in the fund based on limits and threshold indicated by user.

Property Risk

Projects the effect of changes in capital expenditure.

Credit Risk

Project the effect of delinquency in receiving rents. The user may define the initial date of delinquencies and period of delay.

Combined Scenarios

The various scenarios may be combined to be executed consecutively. The outputs from one scenario will be inputs for the next senario.

PATOne RE Risk App Workflow


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